ah, the Cramer Meltdown! I sold all of my mother's holdings right after that. One of my best investment actions ever. Folks mainly remember Cramer's miserable calls, and of those there are many, but a few times, he got it 100% right. If only he had melted down in February 2020 -- that would have spared me from selling a month later, at exactly the wrong time.

Money-cost averaging works excellently, until it doesn't. Anybody in Japan who did that from 1990 onwards has been unhappy for most of the meantime. Not to mention: Russia 1917, Germany 1940, Argentina ?2000...

Very good post, nonetheless!

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Thank you! It's true - I regard Cramer as an interesting entertainer rather than as a guru stock picker. And besides - don't pick stocks! just buy the ETF!

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